Last Drawing!

I finally completed my last drawing for the book, The Clock Without A Face (to be released in May 2010 and published by McSweeney's). It's for the back cover. That dark spot in the center is where some sort of teaser text will be dropped in before it goes to press.

Below is the text description from a pre-order page on Amazon (mine and the other two author's names aren't on it because it's supposed to be the actual note/sketch book of Gus Twintig, the narrator in the story). [I'm told that the McSweeney's site is a way better place to order the book once it's out in Spring - because Amazon kind of gouges the publishers (and authors).]

This is true: 12 emerald-studded numbers, each handmade and one-of-a-kind, have been buried in 12 holes across this fine land. These treasures will belong to whoever digs them up first. The question: Where to dig? The only path to the answer: Solve the riddle of The Clock Without a Face. The call comes in from the shadowy Ternky Tower: 13 robberies, one on each floor, all the way up to the penthouse, where obnoxious importer Bevel Ternky has been relieved of the legendary Emerald Chroniker, his priceless, ancient clock. Readers must conduct their own investigations, scouring detailed illustrations for hidden clues and knotty puzzles. All the answers can be found within these 13 floors: whodunit and how . . . and where they are now. Twelve treasures sleep in the soil. The race is on!